Easi-Bug leads Netherlands festival parade

The iconic Easigrass grass-covered trademarked car, Easi-Bug, proudly led a huge procession of cars in front of a crowd of more than 15,000 people on the streets of Oss in Holland, as part of the famous annual Halfvasten celebrations. Easigrass European network partner, Easigrass Netherlands, sponsored the procession, which saw 58 cars competing with each other for the best-decorated prize in an event often dubbed the “Champions League” of car parades.
A total of 58 cars – all of which had previously won prizes in their hometown in local club parades – took part in the final in Oss, in a procession that was led out by the Easi-Bug and the Easigrass Netherland’s team. Halfvasten “Half-Lent” Sunday is a widely celebrated day in the Dutch carnival calendar and the Oss car parade is one of the main event highlights.
Netherlands-based Easigrass European sales director Rene Van Hinthum said it was a great honour to be such a big part of the parade and the team had a lot of fun throughout the festival. The Easigrass team walked alongside the Easi-Bug and handed out the parade programme, which included a Easigrass brochure of the artificial grass company’s award-winning products.
“Some clubs spend about nine months building a parade car – even seven days a week in the last three to four months before – so it’s a big thing to win it,” explained Rene. “The evening before the parade and the evening after the parade, a big festival party is held where the Easigrass logo was present on the LED walls. It’s a big party with various artists in a large tent that is set up just for the Halfvasten festival.”
Oss is home to the Easigrass Netherlands headquarters, which was established in 2016 as part of the growing success of the Easigrass European Partner Network.