Echo & Sugz – Our Easigrass Pugs

Meet Echo & Sugz. These adorable pugs are a part of Andy & Jackie’s family, along with their 4 sons. Family life is certainly a busy one.
Echo is a 4 year old female and Sugz a 3 year old male. They are the best of friends and love to run about and play on the artificial grass which has been installed in both front and back gardens of their home. Previously, the garden had become quite muddy in patches and could look unsightly. With the fantastic quality of Easigrass the happy dogs are free to roam around and the surface is always clean, whatever the weather.
Andy & Jackie’s eldest son is married while the others, who are all teenagers, live at home. Football plays a major part of their weekends, between watching their local team on a Saturday and supporting their youngest boy who plays in a Sunday league. Their back garden has become an ideal training ground as has an artificial lawn and goal posts. The dogs joining in of course, chasing the ball at every opportunity.
Both Echo & Sugz enjoy trips out in the car and can often be seen peaking out of the Easibug car window. They have kind of become Easigrass Aberdeen mascots !
I suppose you could say ‘A pug in a bug’.