Showtime for Easigrass Netherlands

The Easigrass Netherlands team had a busy September featuring the best of the brand’s products at two large show events. More than 110,000 visitors attended senior citizen show 50plus Beurs, where Easigrass joined more than 600 leading brands on display during the five-day event in Utrecht, Netherlands.
During the same week as 50plus Beurs, Easigrass European sales director, Rene Van Hinthum, and his team attended the Beurs Eigen Huis show, an event dedicated to high-end large self-build homes which is also held in Utrecht. The large stand featured the full range of grass, together with Easi-Animals, the Easi-Gazebee and even the famous Easi-Bug car.
Rene said the Easigrass stand, positioned together with all the high-end house and garden designers and manufacturers at both shows, attracted a lot of public and trade attention.