What is the Best Time of the Year to Lay Artificial Grass?

Wondering what the best time of year is to lay artificial grass? You may be surprised to know that it can be laid any time of year to give a flawless finish. Unlike natural grass, its artificial cousin isn’t held back by the seasons, meaning you’ve got a lot more options to choose from.
However, there are still certain times of year where laying your artificial lawn will be easier than others. In this article, we’ll explore what are the best times of year to lay artificial grass so everything is plain sailing.
Why can artificial grass be laid any time?
The beauty of artificial grass is that it brings you the authentic appearance of natural grass, minus the upkeep and constraints of ordinary grass. This means you can lay it any time of the year without worrying about temperature, seed growth or whether it will get muddy in the rainy seasons. All of these issues are simply not applicable with artificial grass, giving you more flexibility of laying and overall usage.
This also means you’ll spend less time maintaining your garden and more time relaxing in it.
When should I lay my artificial grass?
- Summer: When the sun is shining, you want to spend more time enjoying your garden and less time preparing it for usage. That’s why you should ideally lay your artificial grass and allow it to settle in plenty of time before the peak time of summer – this way, you have a lawn ready and waiting when you need it. However, there still are plenty of benefits of laying in summer. Not only will rain be unlikely to get in the way, but the new turf can settle in more easily, thanks to the fine weather. Watch that the ground isn’t too dry and hard, though, and this can make it more tricky to excavate.
- Autumn/Winter: You may be surprised to know that artificial grass might be easier to lay in winter and autumn as opposed to the warmer months of the years. That’s because the ground will be colder, softer and more malleable. It’s recommended that between ten and fifteen celsius is the ideal temperature for the ground temperature to be at, in order to be easily worked. Also, chances are, you’re not going to be spending as much time in your garden in the grip of winter – making it the ideal time to get it ready and lay turf in time for the warmer months. If installing right at the start of autumn, just make sure the ground isn’t too hard after a long dry summer, as this can make excavation more tough-going.
- Spring: This is the season when the weather is warming up, but still hasn’t reached the heights of summer. It’s also the time that many homeowners get started with garden-work, prettying up their lawns and borders ready for summer. In terms of artificial grass, the ground should hopefully be soft and workable, thanks to the amount of precipitation we usually see over winter time. If the ground is too wet, however, it may be more difficult to excavate as efficiently as you’d like.
In Summary
At the end of the day, artificial grass is designed to be installed all year round. The above points are guidelines to help you make an informed decision about what time of year is best for you to choose, but ultimately it’s up to you. If you want more advice, just chat with the friendly experts at Easigrass who will be always happy to help.
Easigrass is the UK’s leading provider and installer of high-quality artificial lawns. Our award-winning products are celebrated for their stunning natural appearance, as well as their durability and longevity. With over 30 years experience, we can help you get your artificial grass lawn set up and ready to enjoy. Simply get in touch with our team today – we’re happy to help.