Why Your Pet Will Love Artificial Grass

Some people still believe that pets don’t like artificial grass. Animals like romping around in the mud and clawing up turf too much, or so the theory goes. This simply isn’t the case. Given the opportunity, your prized kitten or pooch will adore your new artificial lawn, and today, we’re going to tell you just why your pet will love artificial grass.
No Pesticides
One of the reasons why some people are put off by the thought of their pets running around on artificial grass is that it isn’t natural. But is it natural for your pet to be rolling around in harsh chemicals? No, of course not, but this is the risk you take if you stick to a regular turf lawn.
With an artificial lawn, you never have to worry about using any pesticides or chemical-based products, a light hosing every now and then should suffice. This means your pet can roam and romp in safety, and you get some serious peace of mind.
Fewer Baths
Dogs aren’t fussed about going out in the rain like we are, so given the opportunity, they will bolt out the door and quickly cake themselves in mud, grass and any other garden detritus that they can get their paws on. While this might be fun for them initially, they won’t be so jolly once they’ve realised it’s bath time. And the worst part is, the next time it rains, this cycle of muddiness, confusion and bathing repeats itself. Nobody wins.
If you have an artificial lawn, however, your pet can go frolic in the garden no matter the weather, and even better: they probably won’t need a bath afterwards. So you’ve got a happy pet and a happy owner. That’s a win-win.
They can do their business where they like
Some owners are so precious about their lawns that they won’t let their pets do their business anywhere near it for fear of ruining the turf. Not only is this somewhat confusing for a dog, whose toilet options were already pretty limited to start with, but it also means that they’re outdoor play sessions have to be constantly supervised, which isn’t ideal if you have things to do.
This isn’t a problem with artificial grass; you can let your pets go anywhere they like and it will never do any damage. All you have to do is remove any solid waste and give the area a quick hose. It’s that simple.
Great for small dogs
For small dogs, the world can be an intimidating place. They’ve already got bushes, steps and marauding cats from neighbouring homes to contend with, they don’t need to be wading through overgrown grass too! You might well find that with an artificial lawn, more timids pets will be more inclined to go out for some exercise.
Are you considering an artificial grass and turf in London but worried about how your pet might react? Don’t worry we understand, but we can put your mind at ease. Easigrass stock a wide variety of easy-to-clean, pet-friendly turf options, ensuring that you and your furry friend can reach a happy compromise. To learn more about our artificial grass product range and expert installation service, and why your pet will love artificial grass all you have to do is give us a call.