Easigrass Artificial Grass The artificial grass company
Refer a Friend
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Earn Rewards for Sharing Easigrass!

Join the Easigrass referral program and turn your recommendations into rewards! Simply invite your friends, family, or colleagues to experience the beauty of Easigrass, and for every successful referral, you’ll receive £100. It’s our way of saying thank you for spreading the word about our premium artificial grass solutions.

Get started today and enjoy the benefits of sharing Easigrass with these 3 easy steps!

Refer a Friend

Fill in your details and your friend’s details to get started.

Easigrass Reaches Out

We’ll contact your friend and provide a quote.

Earn £100 Per Referral

If they go ahead with an installation, you’ll receive £100! *

Love your Easigrass experience? Share it and start earning!

Your Details
Friend's Details

Get in Touch – We’re Here to Help!

Have questions about our referral program or need assistance? Fill out the form and our friendly team will get back to you as soon as possible.

* The £100 referral reward is only granted if your referred friend proceeds with the installation after receiving a quotation and completes full payment.

Easigrass has local dealers throughout the UK, our main Headquarters is located at

117 Lower Richmond Road
United Kingdom
SW15 1EX

T: 0800 488 0070

E: reception@easigrass.com

Benefits of the Refer-a-Friend Program

Who Can Refer & Earn?

We appreciate our customers and want to reward you for sharing your love of Easigrass! If you’ve had an Easigrass installation, you’re eligible to refer friends, family, or colleagues. There’s no limit—refer as many people as you like! For every successful referral that results in a completed installation and full payment, you’ll receive a £100 reward as a thank-you from us.

It’s our way of showing appreciation for spreading the word about our premium artificial grass. Start referring today and enjoy the benefits of sharing Easigrass!

* The £100 referral reward is only granted if your referred friend proceeds with the installation after receiving a quotation and completes full payment.

Hear From Our
Happy Customers!

Our artificial grass has transformed countless outdoor spaces, delivering natural looks, low maintenance, and lasting durability. See why customers love their lush, evergreen landscapes!

Artificial Grass Questions Frequently Asked

Answering your commonly asked questions

Can I refer multiple friends?

Absolutely! There’s no limit to the number of people you can refer. For each successful referral, you’ll receive a £100 reward.

The referral reward is only issued once the installation is completed and the final payment has been received. If your friend does not proceed, unfortunately, no reward will be given.

Your reward will be paid via bank transfer directly into your account.

No, the referral programme is designed to reward the referrer. However, once your friend has their Easigrass installation, they too can refer others and earn rewards.

Yes, you must inform your friend before referring them. UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) requires that personal information is shared with consent. Your friend should be aware that their details are being provided to us and that we may contact them.

The referral programme applies per customer, not per property. This means you’ll receive one reward per referred friend, regardless of how many properties they install Easigrass at.


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